Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Triển khai DFSN và DFSR

DFSNDistributed File System Namespace
DFSRDistributed File System Replication
Trong bài này tôi cố gắng trình bày chung nhất về DFSN và DFSR, những lưu ý khi triển khai để tránh được những sự cố không mong muốn. Phần nào cũng mô tả thêm về kiến trúc và cấu hình DFSN và DFSR
Bạn nên có một kế hoạch cẩn thận khi triển khai DFS.
Một trong nhưng vấn đề thường gặp với các thư mục của DFSR là không đồng bộ (replication)  hoặc đồng bộ rất chậm. Chúng ta có thể tránh những tình huống này bằng cách thực hiện theo các bài hướng dẫn một cách chính xác.
Hướng dẫn này áp dụng cho: Windows 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016 server

DFS Server Sizing – Thông số máy chủ DFS: 

DFS cần 2 thành phần là DFSR và DFSN để có thể hoạt động. Chúng có thể được cài chung trên cùng máy chủ hoặc tách rời tùy theo mô hình và cách bạn dự định triển khai dịch vụ DFS.
Máy chủ cài DFS-R thường là các máy chủ lưu trữ file (File Server). Các máy chủ này cần phải có thông số đúng về bộ xử lý (CPU), bộ nhớ (RAM – memory), ổ cứng lưu trữ và hạ tầng mạng tốc độ tối thiểu Gigabit.
Máy chủ có thể là máy vật lý hoặc máy ảo. Ngày nay, triển khai các máy ảo thì khá phổ biến vì nó thuận tiện cho việc mở rộng và bảo trì.
Máy chủ triển khai DFSR cỡ nhỏ đến trung bình thường có yêu cầu như sau:
  • CPU: sử dụng nền tảng X64 bit, tối thiểu là 4 cores với tốc độ >= 2.5 GHz
  • RAM: 8GB tới 16GB.
  • Ổ đĩa lưu trữ nên là các ổ SAS với tốc độ vòng quay lớn hơn 10K rpm, cài đặt RAID-10 hoặc RAID-5. Nếu có thể bạn nên sử dụng lài 15k rpm hoặc SSD thì càng tốt.
  • Ổ đĩa phải đủ khoảng trống dư để xử ý phần đồng bộ dữ liệu, phần ổ này gọi là “staging data” – bạn phải đặc biệt tính toán cho phần này, nếu thiếu quá trình đồng bộ dữ liệu có thể sẽ không thể thực hiện được.
  • Card mạng nên là Gigabit Ethernet và nên gom nhiều cổng mạng (teaming) để tăng băng thông và sự phòng.
Các máy chủ DFS Namespace không yêu cầu nhiều về tài nguyên hệ thộng. Microsoft không cung cấp thông tin gì cho phần thông số máy chủ cài đặt DFS-N này cả.
Nếu triển khai máy chủ DFS-N riêng, có lẽ một máy chủ với thông số cơ bản 2 Core CPU, 4 – 8GB RAM  là đủ.

DFSR Hotfixes – Các bản vá lỗi

Trước khi cài đặt các máy chủ dịch vụ DFS-N và DFS-R, bạn nên cài các bản cập nhật mới nhất của hệ điều hành với các bản vá lỗi (hotfixes) liên qua đến DFS để tránh sảy ra các xự cố ngoài mong đợi.
Bạn có thể tham khảo:
Tôi chưa tìm thấy bản vá nào cho các máy chủ 2016.

DFS Name Space Mode

Khi cài đặt DFS namespace (DFS-N) bạn luôn lựa chọn “Enable Windows server 2008 mode” để sử dụng được tính năng access-based enumeration (ABE).
Để có thể bật được tính năng này, Active Directory phải là: Minimum Windows 2003 FFL, Minimum 2008 DFL, 2008.

Tham khảo thêm tại link sau:

DFS Configuration & Server Placement

Một số lưu ý khi triển khai DFS Replication:
  • DFSR topology cần được thiết kế dựa trên việc vị trí các máy chủ lưu trữ dữ liệu (vị trí địa lý, phân vùng mạng khác nhau…), các yêu cầu về lưu trữ, khả năng truyền dẫn của hạ tầng mạng, triển lược bakup của tổ chức bạn.
  • Tránh cài đặt DFSR trên máy chủ Domain Controller.
  • Tránh thay đổi dữ liệu trên thư mục đích (thư mục cần được đồng bộ) trước khi quá trình đồng độ giữa các thư mục được hoàn thành.
  • Trong bất kỳ trường hợp nào bạn muốn dừng quá trình đồng bộ giữa các thưc mục nào đó, bạn chỉ cần đổi lịch đồng bộ (schedule)  thành “No Replication“. Đừng stop dịch vụ DFSR, nó có thể làm thiếu dữ liệu của DFSR database và mất nhiều thời gian để khôi phục lại.
  • Microsoft does not recommend disabling connection object to disable one-way replication for replication groups. The only recommended way to achieve one-way replication is to use a read-only replica.
  • DFSR hỗ trợ nhiều mô hình như meshhub và spoke.
Trong mô hình mesh topology:
  • Tất  cả các máy chủ có thể đồng bộ lẫn nhau. Mô hình này phù hợp với yêu cầu về tính redundancy/failover của dữ liệu.
  • Avoid creation of R/W replicas (redundant copy) at the same location to avoid making conflicting changes and data loss since DFSR does not have a file locking mechanism. Workarounds are available like sharing only one instance of replica and publishing a single folder target etc, but it’s still safer to configure Read-Only replica at the same site which can be initialized immediately with little downtime. Alternatively, file server cluster can be built and added to DFS namespace as a DFS folder target.
  • If the same data needs to be available at two locations, data can be made available through DFS replication at both locations. Again, if data modification is happening on both sides, conflicts will happen due to replication latencies or open files, or if the same file is getting edited at both locations, then the file with the last edit will win. There is no built-in solution for that and you need to use 3rd party solutions like Peer lock
    If 3rd party solutions are not allowed, then to avoid this situation, set up two-way DFS replication across both locations, but allow file modifications at only one side. This can be achieved via publishing a single DFS folder target per share folder pointing to a server at any one location. Again, performance issues can be encountered while accessing data over WAN

In hub and spoke topology:
  • All spokes (Branch servers) can replicate with a Hub Server and vice versa but spokes cannot replicate with each other. If a Hub Server goes down, replication is halted until the Hub Server comes back online. Hence if multiple branch servers are there, they should be divided into two Hub Servers to minimize impact. Data collection should be done on the Hub Servers and from there it should be backed up
  • If multiple replicated folders need to be configured as branch folders with single or dual hub servers, complete deployment in phased manner to avoid heavy load on hub server and chocking bandwidth
Ideally, when deploying DFS namespace:
  • A minimum of two servers should be deployed for high availability, load balancing, and redundancy. In a small or mid-sized environment, DFS-N and DFS-R both can be deployed on two servers
  • An environment where thousands of folder targets are required under a DFS hierarchy, it’s advisable to separate DFS-N and DFS-R servers
  • Use virtual servers as far as possible so that you can start with lesser resources, and then add resources if you want to later
  • DFS-N can be installed on domain controllers to avoid separate hardware for namespace servers
  • DFS name space referral settings should be configured as below at root name space level properties \ Referrals tab, so that it will be inherited by all subsequent name space folders
    • Target referral ordering method should be “Lowest cost“. It means targets in same AD site as the clients are listed 1st and targets outside local AD site would be listed alternatively as lowest to highest cost. reference article: Set the Ordering Method for Targets in Referrals
    • Also “Clients fail back to preferred targets” should be selected so that clients can access an alternate folder target if preferred is not available and fail back to preferred target when it becomes available. Reference article: Enable or Disable Referrals and Client Failback
  • Some good reading on DFS namespace – How many DFS-N namespace servers do you need?

Active Directory Health and AD Sites Configuration

Active Directory replication and name resolution must be working properly. DFS-N and DFS-R configuration data is stored under an AD domain partition and replicates among all domain controllers in that domain. The DFS server polls active directory periodically for updates. If any changes are made in DFS configuration on one server and not replicated to other DCs, another DFS server will not get those updates. This is especially true in case of DFS-R members working in remote sites.

If redundant folder targets need to be added to DFS name space folder to cover multiple locations, make sure that each location has a domain controller installed and AD sites and services are configured appropriately with local subnet mapping to localise resource access. Because DFSN locates folder targets in the same AD site as the client no matter how you configure target referral ordering.

If client subnet is mapped to the wrong site or did not get mapped to any site, DFS namespace referrals will provide the wrong target folder location which can create conflicting changes or if read-only replica gets referred as the folder target.

Source data permissions (DFSR)

DFSR is not dependent on file system permissions. By default, the DFSR service runs under the NT Authority\System account, however, if we look through the process explorer, DFSR service also has SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege rights.

Those rights are equivalent to backup and restore files and directories user’s rights. This will enable DFSR to read and copy data from one location and write/paste at the destination location regardless of access rights on files and folders, except for open files.

Refer to the article below for a description of the above rights

If this is a brand new implementation without existing data. The root folder must be set with correct Share and NTFS permissions to avoid access violation issues for users and administrators. Root folder ownership should be granted to the built-in administrators’ group. Grant Full control NTFS permissions to System account and built-in administrators group and remove creator owner group from root folder permissions

If you already have existing data (file shares) and already facing access issues, refer to my article below to correct those.

DFSR Staging Quota

DFSR uses staging quota to get files staged, calculate its hash and store it in the DFSR database and then sends files to the replicated member. Default staging quota limit is 4 GB, so it’s good to increase that limit as far as possible to avoid staging loop and to complete initial sync in time.

Later on, we can cut down staging quota limit if wanted to. Refer to the link below to calculate approximate staging quotas for a replicated folder.


We can initially keep it as 20% of total drive capacity, increase if required further by monitoring backlog, this is based on the live environment I had managed previously

Number of replicated folders per drive

You should consider only one replicated folder per drive, this is useful in case you face any issues like heavy backlog or DFSR database corruption and need to clear out a DFSR database from system volume information. In this case, if two replicated folders are on the same drive and the issue exists with a single folder, DFSR Database will be wiped out for both folders and both folders would have to undergo initial replication which can take a considerable amount of time if the data size is large.

DFS-R Data Preseeding (pre-staging) and Cloning

If you are creating replication groups for existing data, or if you are adding a new replicated member to an existing replicated group, and if the data size is bigger (in TBs or in few hundred GBs), an initial sync can take a substantial amount of time to complete, due to the complexities involved in initial sync process.

The initial sync must be completed before data can be replicated back and forth and the process can take many days, depending upon the data size being synced. To save time, we can preseed data followed by DFSR database cloning.


Preseed copy’s data (using the Robocopy tool) from the source server along with NTFS security to the destination server in advance. This process will save time to replicate the data over wire. However, you still need time for staging as at the DFSR stage, every file is copied with a preseeding and generated a hash of the file and store within the database for initial sync. This process is local to DFSR member. To save this staging time, we need to use database cloning further.

Note – The Preseed process uses the Robocopy tool and we need to ensure that we are using the most recent/updated version of Robocopy and ensure the same is installed on the source and destination servers to avoid hash miss matches (Check DFSR hotfixes URLs for Robocopy update)


The cloning process involves DFSR database export (clone) from the primary server and importing on the destination server. When you import a cloned database, DFSR validates hashes in the cloned database with local data (preseeded) on the destination server and once validated, the clone import completes successfully. This will cut down the need for stage and generate a hash for each file on the destination server.

Now when you actually add a member server to a replicated folder, since data along with hash values (database) are already present on both servers, the secondary server will only verify the database hashes with the primary server database hashes as part of the initial sync and once verified, the destination server can replicate data back and forth. The process is almost instantaneous or takes little time.

Refer excellent blog post below how to preseed DFSR data and clone DFSR database with a simple PowerShell interface.


  • Cloning only works on Windows server 2012 R2 onwards
  • DFSR database export (cloning) does not clone read-only replica databases, Read-Only replica must be set with classic initial sync process only.

  • DFSR database export (cloning) will fail if a replicated folder is not fully converged, (i.e. replicated folder must be either completed initial build – event ID 4112, primary member OR must be completed initial sync –  event ID 4104, Non Primary member), before exporting DFSR database ensure any one of events above are present in DFSR event logs for specified replicated folder

  • Before cloning database, ensure that data preseeding is done on destination server with same folder name at source (Ex: D:\Corpdata at source must use <drive:\Corpdata at destination)

DFSR and roaming profiles

Roaming profiles replication through DFSR should be avoided as far as possible for the reason below.

The DFSR replication process remains slow for roaming profiles as DFSR does not support transactional replication (i.e. replicates all changes at once or replicates nothing). This increases backlog, might choke bandwidth if too many roaming users roaming in and around, so if data is changed by users frequently, it remains open or file handles are not able to be closed.

This leads to issues if a user switches between places and is logging on to a different roaming profile server. It might be possible that the server did not receive all updates from the previous server and the user might overwrite some data or may not get updated data. That type of behaviour complicates the situation more and can even corrupt profiles.

Still, if you want to deploy DFSR for roaming profiles, Microsoft has provided guidelines as below.

If DFSN and DFSR need to be used for a roaming profile to replicate across locations, we need to ensure that users are always connected to a roaming profile share on a single server, no matter if he is roaming in which location to avoid users from making conflicting edits on different servers. This can be achieved by keeping only a single folder target with a DFS namespace link used as a roaming profile path. However, this enforces the load roaming profile over WAN and slows down the loading and logoff process.

Microsoft Support Documents:

Excluding File types from DFSR (Filters)

  • It is recommended to exclude certain file types which can remain open for most of the times (.pst, in addition to default .bak and .tmp for example) from DFSR as DFSR can’t replicate open files

  • Avoid replicating mdb OR vhd / vhdx as these files are bulky files and DFSR can’t replicate these files when in use. If users PST files are stored on a DFS replicated folder and since users connect to those PST files, DFSR cannot replicate those files until outlook is open OR If user machine is locked with outlook opened. This increases backlog pressure on DFSR and if backlog increased too much, it downgrades performance or can stop DFSR replication as well.

  • When we enable filter for any file, folder or file extension, DFSR removes filtered files from its database and ignores any further changes to files and folders. It leaves filtered data as is in the replicated folder without modification.

Microsoft Reference: Removing DFSR Filters


Remote differential compression is the algorithm used by DFSR with 2008 R2 and above servers by default. RDC replicates only delta changes in files in chunks/blocks, thus saving bandwidth, hence it’s useful when replicating DFSR over WAN to conserve bandwidth.

However, it causes extra load on the server’s CPU because RDC detects insertions, removals, and rearranged data in files, creating delta chunks. Note that RDC feature installation is not required on DFSR servers

We should disable RDC for DFSR groups connected with LAN having gigabit network cards and switches to save processing time and improve replication by replicating entire file in one shot.

More Explanatory Notes:

Disable replicated member vs delete replicated member

If you wanted to remove a member server from a two-way replicated folder, there are two options:

Simply disable the replicated member instead of removing it. This action will stop replication on the server for that specific replicated group. Now at any point if you need to enable replication, you can simply enable it for that server, after enabling, replication will force server to complete initial sync (one-way sync) so that even if you deleted any data from this server, it will get replicated/copied from the other partner as part of the initial sync process and once the initial sync is completed successfully (look for DFSR event ID 4104 on server being altered), replication will start both ways. This way you won’t lose any data.

However, if you deleted a replicated member from the DFSR group, deleting member will not delete the DFSR database on that member. This DFSR database keeps the deleted member for 60 days in Tombstone. If within 60 days you added the deleted server back in a replicated folder, DFSR considers that server as authoritative and start replicating both ways. If you have deleted any data from this member server in the meantime, before adding back to DFSR, the deletion will get replicated to the other server as well and data loss will occur.

Hence just disable member for replicated folder. After disabling replication if you decided to remove server permanently, you can do that any time

DFSR read-only replica

With 2008 R2 Microsoft has innovated Read-only replica. As the name suggests, it is read-only. Meaning replication is one way only, from R/W partner to R/O partner. This is useful when you specifically want to store data at a remote location as a kind of DR.

Once the folder is set as a read-only replica, no one can write/delete any data from read-only folder locally or remotely. R/O replicas are useful in the event your R/W DFSR server along with data failed and you needed to recover data.

We can change the Read-only replica to a read-write replica and vice versa. By doing so, the member being altered undergoes “Initial Sync” or also called as non-authoritative sync. Once the initial sync is completed, DFSR event ID 4104 gets triggered and now the server can either be R/W or R/O replica depending upon the action you have taken.

Microsoft Reference: Read-Only Replication in R2

The best use of R/O replica could be:

  • One can create DFSR group with one R/W replica and one R/O replica at the same location
  • Add DFS folder targets to only R/W replica under DFS namespace, so that no one can access to R/O replica, in fact, don’t share R/O replica folder
  • In the event of R/W replica fails permanently, convert R/O replica to R/W replica, share the folder and add a new folder target pointing to this replica and access will get restored quickly
  • Later on, a new server can be added to the replicated group as a read-only replica

DFSR Replication Schedule and Bandwidth

  • DFSR allows usto define the replication schedule and bandwidth. For WAN locations, initial replication should be allowed only during off business hours with full bandwidth.
  • In the case of R/O replicas over WAN, we should schedule to replicate data during off business hours only with full bandwidth.
  • Locations where replicated data needs to be available during business hours, we need to allow business hours as well, if limited network bandwidth is available, we need to throttle bandwidth

Antivirus Exclusions

Microsoft has recommended AV exclusions for DFS root shares and its contents (folder targets) etc. These exclusions are same as FRS / DFSR replicated Sysvol. The below article explains exclusions to be placed

DFSN & DFSR Backup and Restore

In order to successfully restore DFS namespace and replication in case of accidental deletion, AD system state and below registries need to be backed up

  • Active Directory System State – DFSN and DFSR both configurations are stored in active directory

  • DFS name space configuration need to be exported with Dfsutil utility – dfsutil /root:\\domain.com\dfsnameSpace /export:C:\export\namespace.txt

  • Shares registry on each DFS Namespace server for DFS Root Share – HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Shares

  • DFS namespace registry key on each server – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DFS

There are multiple ways available to restore DFS based on what backup you have.

I will discuss the actual restoration in another article.

I hope this Article will be helpful in building your DFS server Infrastructure

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